Contact Mat-Su Road Maintenance at the Road Maintenance Hotline.
The hotline staff is available M-F, 8-5PM, and messages can be left anytime. Point Mackenzie is in Road Service Area #17.
Phone: 907-861-7755
Not all roads in the Mat-Su are Borough-maintained. For State-maintained roads, contact:
Phone: 907-745-2159
The Point Mackenzie Transfer Site is located at Mile 18.5 Knik-Goose Bay Rd, Wasilla, AK
This transfer site accepts:
Residential Trash and Household Hazardous Waste
limited to Antifreeze, batteries, cooking oil, motor oil, and latex paint (limited daily quantities)
Rates for a 33-gallon or less bagged garbage - per bag (limit of 5 bag per day) or $17 per cubic yard